Cosmetic Dental Treatment
We believe that our patients deserves a good smile they can proudly flaunt in the outside world. For this we offer many solutions in cosmetic dentistry which aims to enhance your aesthetics and the look of your teeth.
Dental procedures covered under Cosmetic Dentistry
Ceramic Veneers
These are thin shells made up of porcelain which are used to cover the dental issues like stained teeth, or to correct worn enamel, uneven tooth alignment, cracked or broken. They are made to enhance the colour and shape of your tooth and appear just like natural teeth.
Teeth Whitening
This procedure is the easiest way to restore the sparkling smile which you have lost due to teeth stains and yellowish discolorations. Due to some factors like smoking, intake of certain medications or coffee, tea can cause discoloration over a period of time. The procedure of whitening is quick, safe and pain free, also suitable for all age groups and most important it is affordable.
Smile makeovers
It is a process to improve your appearance by a number of procedures which help in achieving that beautiful smile. While customizing your smile many components are taken into consideration like facial appearance, skin tone, hair colour, lip colour. The most common procedure is to eliminate the ‘gummy’ smile with recontouring.
Invisible Braces
Crooked, uneven, crowded teeth can make you feel uncomfortable while speaking and smiling and you might feel conscious in social events. Invisible braces are a great alternative instead of using metal braces to correct the problem of teeth alignment. There are many alternatives to metal brackets or wires like ‘Invisalign’ which is a transparent and removable aligners that will straighten your teeth. ‘Ceramic braces’ which is made up of tooth colored material so are less visible. Then there are lingual braces which are placed on the inner surface of the teeth, hence makes them invisible from outside.
Tooth Colored Fillings
Some traditional methods of filling the tooth like use of amalgam can cause black appearance of tooth and is harmful to our patients’ health. For this reason composite or tooth coloured fillings are used as they are aesthetically pleasing and safe.